Chinese New Year 2018

Whether you live in the best apartments Sacramento has to offer or you live in some other type of housing accommodation in this great city, just know that there’s going to be a wonderful Chinese New Year Celebration being held this year, just like its hosted every year for the last 20.
This year, the Chinese New Year celebration is being held at Hiram Johnson High School in Sacramento on February 10, 2018. There will be an admission fee, but it’s relatively inexpensive and should only cost you about $5 per person. So if you ever wanted to celebrate Chinese New Year in style in Sacramento, we highly recommend checking out this remarkable event.
If you’re curious about the event but have no idea what’s about to take place, we’d like to help enlighten you a little bit further. We’re going to share some details about the things happening at the Chinese New Year celebration being held at Hiram Johnson High School in a few weeks, so please continue to read on if you’re wondering about this event and some of the things that are going to take place while you’re in attendance if you choose to go.
Experience a Dragon Dance like Never Before
No Chinese New Year celebration would be complete without an official Dragon dance. This beautiful dance is for all to enjoy, and many people from many different backgrounds are expected to attend this event in the diverse community of Sacramento.
For those who do not know, a Dragon dance is a traditional Chinese dance typically performed in Chinese culture. It’s very similar to the lion dance and it’s a fact that it’s usually only performed for festive celebrations, just like Chinese New Year. So if you ever wanted to see a Dragon dance in Sacramento, now’s the time because there aren’t too many festive occasions taking place throughout the year, so you should take advantage of the opportunity while it’s currently available to you.
Remember, this exciting event is here for everyone. While we certainly hope Chinese-Americans attend the event, we also want other people interested in learning more about the culture to attend as well. You’ll really experience Chinese culture in ways that you’ve never imagined possible, so it’s definitely going to be worth it if you are intrigued by this type of festivity and want to learn more about it by experiencing it firsthand.
Do You Enjoy Live Martial Arts Performances?
When most people think about martial arts, they typically think about movies like the Karate Kid and other movies that are about fighting. While martial arts are certainly a great way to defend yourself, there’s so much more to this particular style than meets the eye.
In fact, when you see martial arts at this Chinese New Year celebration, you are going to see a performance that will have you truly amazed and in complete awe by the time the exhibition is through. You see, these performers are going to complete a series of moves with style, grace, and poise. It really takes years of practice to master the skills of an expert martial artist, so you’re definitely in for a treat if you choose to watch this exciting event as it unfolds on stage for all in attendance.
In martial arts, there are many different moves and katas the professionals can perform. It’s very similar to dancing in a way, so you’ll have no trouble being mesmerized by the fluid and graceful movements of these professional martial artists. You’re going to be amazed at everything you see, so we highly recommend paying attention and focusing on this beautiful art form that also provides people an important way to defend themselves during these troubling times.
There’s Plenty of Food for All to Enjoy
Not only will you get to see a beautiful Dragon dance and a martial arts exhibition at this beautiful Chinese New Year event and celebration, you’ll also have the opportunity to eat lots of great tasting food as well. You’ll have a chance to experience traditional Chinese food the way it was meant to be eaten, so you are definitely in for an amazing treat if you decide to join in the festivities.
As you will see at the event, there are many food vendors available for everyone. But don’t worry if you aren’t in the mood for traditional Chinese food, because there will also be other options for you as well. You can eat American food if that’s what you want, or any of the other food choices available from local vendors.
Just know that you should make it a point to show up to this event hungry. Why? Because you’re going to eat great while you’re here and you’ll want to try all the amazing dishes so you better leave room or you might be too full to eat. And that would be a real shame, because we don’t want you to miss out on these great tasting meals.
Arts and Crafts
Do you appreciate beautiful arts and crafts? Well, you’re definitely going to love this event because you’ll have the option to make your own arts and crafts. Or if you prefer, you can always buy the beautiful arts and crafts on display from other vendors sharing their wares.
The great thing about this event is the opportunity to look at traditional Chinese arts and crafts, which for some people this is their first opportunity. Plus, you may want to immerse yourself in this culture even more, so having the ability to create your own arts and crafts project with a qualified expert is going to be fun and exciting for all in attendance.
Children’s Games
Last but not least, we also want to remind you that there will be plenty of children’s games available for the young kids in attendance. We know how children have a tendency to get bored very quickly, so there will be lots of great things for young ones to do at this exciting Chinese New Year event in Sacramento.
If you’d like to celebrate Chinese New Year in style this year, we highly recommend attending this celebration in Sacramento. It’s being held on February 10, 2018 at Hiram Johnson High School. We look forward to seeing you there.